Monthly Archives: November 2003

I Stand Alone

About 95% of the way through I Stand Alone, the movie stops. The screen flashes red and states “WARNING: You have 30 seconds to leave this screening.” I didn’t stop the movie. I kept watching. That’s why I no longer … Continue reading

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You Went to Art School for This?

My God, these 2003 campaign posters are just awful. The only one that works is Clark’s (and, for her purposes, Moseley-Braun’s). Look, I could hire 12-year-olds to come up with slogans less trite than as “Sharp, Sharper, Sharpton.” Check out … Continue reading

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Is Google Slowing Down?

Here’s my search. I can’t reproduce the results, because they’re cached.

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Happy Thanksgiving

Yeah, happy Slaughter Of The Indians day. On a completely unrelated note, my choice of movies to watch: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Ringu, I Stand Alone, or… Nixon. Don’t ask me…that’s just the way Netflix works.

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Holiday Gift

From the Fark forums: “Hopefully this will land on my doorstep Christmas morning…” “Oh, and Cheney and DeLay immediately follow suit…”

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Wizerds’ Kill Bill List Complete

The West Chester Wizerds spanked the trash-talkin’ Colorado Condors in Week 12, completing the team’s quest to conquer all their enemies (see list at right) before the playoffs. The win gives the Wizerds the best record in the Fantasy Football … Continue reading

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I’ve been so determined to avoid that Jacko frenzy that I missed a crucial snippet of news. It seems that Wes Clark, who regularly preaches about the right to question and criticize one’s government, supports a Constitutional Amendment to ban … Continue reading

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Wackos for Jacko

Sure, I believe in “innocent until proven guilty,” but these people are fucking nut jobs.

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The Crime of Complacency

Tony Blankley said this today on Crossfire: Every time we have a discussion with people who are against the war now, and who were against the war then, it’s difficult to ever go beyond point A. The fact is the … Continue reading

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How Much Is Too Much?

Hmm, let’s see. $1,348 worth of repairs to the Taurus in two weeks. Dead battery, fried alternator, malfunctioning water pump, worn tensioner, broken engine mount…you name it. Oh yeah…and inspection is due next month. Looks like I might have to … Continue reading

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Schwarzenegger’s Secret Plan

So Arnold Schwarzeneggar takes over as governor of California, capping an improbable victory that turned the political world upside-down. It is useful, at this time, to examine how Schwarzenegger pulled off this feat. Thanks to Dick Morris’s book, Power Plays, … Continue reading

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Wizerds Over Wolverines, 84-72

Hey Jon, I won, you pessimistic, unsupportive S.O.B.

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When Peace Fails

Let me just set the stage here: I play in a Fantasy Football league with some coworkers. My team, the West Chester Wizerds, is 8-2. I consider trash talk an integral part of the game, but I’ve been careful to … Continue reading

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Zell Miller Loses It

Zell Miller, apparently pleased with the Republican response to his earlier idiocy, is at it again: Sen. Zell Miller of Georgia came under fire Friday from civil rights activists who demanded an apology from the conservative Democrat after he equated … Continue reading

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Belkin Starts The Trend

Well here’s a novel concept: Uh Clem. a former Belkin wireless router user, was perplexed to find machines on his network redirected to an ad for Belkin’s new parental control system, following a software update. Clem initially thought that the … Continue reading

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Bogus Money

Looks like people are already counterfeiting the new bills: Only a month since the rollout of retooled $20 bills meant to thwart counterfeiters, knockoffs of the colorized currency are already starting to circulate, authorities say. The latest case is that … Continue reading

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Hubba Hubba

David Brooks’ column this week mentions “the Hook-Up,” “petting,” and “sex.” David Brooks. Petting. Sex. *Shudder*

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Lying Zell Miller

Former Senator Zell Miller was just on Lou Dobbs Tonight, and he was asked why he didn’t support any of the Democratic candidates for president. Here was his answer: Well because they have all adopted the same issues…they all sound … Continue reading

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Eavedropping on the Conscience

Group Hug is a site that allows visitors to confess a secret to everyone else in the world. In doing so, the confessor supposed to relieve some guilt and feel better about themselves. Get it…<>. It’s is another one of … Continue reading

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The Elizabeth Smart Story

Look, who gives a fuck? I mean, really.

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The Rich List

Umm wow. According to this site, I should be giving a lot more to the needy. The stats are a bit off, since I do moonlight… YOUR GLOBAL RICH LIST POSITION You are in the top 0.839% richest people in … Continue reading

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Sigh…I think I’ll start posting these IM conversations, since they occur so often. Folks usually stumble across my Web site rather than my Yahoo profile, but it always turns out the same way: Some schmuck IM’s me, and within three exchanges … Continue reading

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The Dumbest Rationalization Ever

…has just been made by Washington Times Editorial Page Editor Tony Blankley. Today on Crossfire, Blankley excused Dean’s confederate flag remarks by stating Abraham Lincoln “played the race card” too. I didn’t know whether to laugh or shake my head.

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Tabloid Journalism

In tonight’s debate, the Democratic candidates discussed Iraq, appealing to Southern whites, the economy, jobs and the involvement of young people in politics. What, then, would you expect to be Paula Zahn’s first post-debate question to John Kerry? Surely not … Continue reading

Posted in Media | 1 Comment

Dean’s Southern Strategy

Hmm, here’s my opinion on the controversy in a nutshell: Dean was making a valid point, but he went about it the wrong way and turned off supporters in the process. This is not a surprise. After all, Dean has … Continue reading

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More-On Gephardt

And what the hell is a candidate for President of the United States doing shouting to audiences “Like father like son, FOUR YEARS AND THEN HE’S DONE!!”? I laughed my ass off watching the clips of Gephardt shown on Hardball. … Continue reading

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Principles of Convenience

Think Howard Dean has flip-flopped on lots of major issues? Well, read here and here, and get a load of Richard Gephardt’s laundry list: While Gephardt speaks in front of a sign that reads “Protect Social Security” and “Protect Medicare” over … Continue reading

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